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Hello, my name is Lucy. I live in an enchanting village named Mousehole in Cornwall. I have great neighbours – the Jordans. Mrs. Vilma Jordan is a friendly and kind woman, and I’m happy she lives near us. Vilma’s house is right next to ours, and we visit each other often.
I live in a cosy house with my husband, children, and my mum. We have a large garden with a swing for the children, a garden shed, and a summerhouse where I love spending my free time reading.
Let me tell you about our house. Downstairs, there is a living room, a kitchen, a dining room, my mother’s bedroom, and a bathroom with a toilet. Upstairs, we have our bedroom, my son Lucas’s bedroom, my daughter Irina’s bedroom, our baby Tim’s room, a children’s playroom, and two bathrooms.
My favourite room is the kitchen, as I enjoy cooking, baking, and eating. I usually cook every other day. I prefer chicken and fish, but my husband likes beef, so I have to make compromises.
We’ve got a five-month-old baby named Tim, so I’m currently on maternity leave. Before that, I worked as an editor and loved my job. I plan to return to work in a couple of months.
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